Prostate volume ultrasound, Traducere "prostatei" în engleză

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Geavlete P. Le traitement prophylactique des tumeurs vésicales superficielles par un nouveau protocole BCG. Progres en Urologie ;3 Supp. Tumeurs vésicales intradiverticulaires - problémes de diagnostique et de traitement, Progres en Urologie ;4 Supp.

Notre expérience avec le BCG-Pasteur dans 1.

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La désinssertion urétérale endoscopique - premier temps du traitement des tumeurs multiples des voies urinaires supérieures, videofilm, Progres en Urologie ;8 Suppl. Ultrasound and histology criteria for succes of optical urethrotomy. European Urology ;37, Supl.

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Doppler ultrasonography in anatomic and functional evaluation of ureteral calculi obstruction, BJU International ;86, Supl. L´ evaluation échographique Doppler dans l´urétérocele simplex. Progres en Urologie ;10 Supp.

Top quality embryos. Authors' contributions R. Designed the study, wrote the first paper draft, edited it, proof read the paper and took part in discussions regarding the results. Retrieved the data, proof read the paper and took part in discussions regarding the results. Designed the study, conducted the embryological work and retrieved the data, made the statistical analysis, proof read the paper and took part in discussions regarding the results.

BJU International ;86, Supl. La lithiase urétérale - évaluation predictive par l´écographie Doppler. Functional evaluation of single-system ureteroceles by duplex Doppler ultrasound. BJU International ;86, Suppl.

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L´évaluation par l´écho - Doppler de la fonctionnalité de l´endoprothese urétérale par sondes JJ chez les patients avec obstruction urétérale extrinseque. Progres en Urologie ;11, European Urology ;39, 3 Duplex Doppler ultrasound evaluation of single-system ureteroceles.

European Urology ;39, Supl. Jora T. La seconde resection transuretrale dans l´evaluation des tumeurs vesicales. Progres en Urologie prostatita despre cel mai important lucru Supp. L´endoincision retrograde dans la stenose de la voie urinaire superieure.

European Urology ;41, European Urology ; 1, Cold retrograde endoincision in upper urinary tract stenosis. Value of renal and intravesical Duplex Doppler ultrasonography in renal colic.

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European Urology ;1, prostate volume ultrasound Value of second TUR in bladder tumours evaluation and treatment. Primary lithiasis of the bladder diverticula.

Citate duplicat

Journal of Endourology ; 16 Supl. Endopyelotomy by cold retrograde incision in ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Three-Dimensional sonographic reconstruction in renal evaluation. Value of Duplex Doppler ultrasonography in renal colic.

Three-Dimensional bladder echography versus cystoscopy in superficial bladder tumour diagnosis. BJU International ; 90 Supl. Duplex Doppler ultrasonography in renal colic. Progres en Urologie ;12;5 Supp.

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L´echographie tridimensionnelle par rapport a la cystoscopie dans le prostate volume ultrasound des tumeurs superficielles de la vessie. Second transurethral resection and adjuvant radiotherapy in conservative treatment of pT2N0M0 Bladder Tumors.

European Urology ; 43, Endourologic treatment of renal pelvic and ureteral transitional cell carcinoma.

Associated Data

Journal of Endourology supl 1 :A Endoscopic treatment of superficial transitional cell carcinoma in the intramural ureter. Second TUR and lymph nodes laparoscopic evaluation in conservative pT2 bladder tumors treatment. Three - dimensional evaluation of prostate pathology.

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Ultrasound value in endoscopic urethral stricture therapy. Complications of ureteral stents using after procedures.

An Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat -

Cold ureteroscopic incision in uretero-pelvic junction stenosis treatment. Cold endoincision in inflamatory ureteral stenosis treatment.

The aim of our study was to assess i The aim of our study was to assess if quantitative multiphasic multidetector computed tomography MDCT enhancement patterns of renal masses malignant and benign may be useful to enable lesion differentiation by their enhancement characteristics. We studied attenuation values using the values within the most avidly enhancing portion of the tumor 2D analysis and within the whole tumor volume 3D analysis. A region of interest ROI was also placed in the adjacent uninvolved renal cortex to calculate the relative tumor enhancement ratio. Results: Significant differences were noted in enhancement and de-enhancement diminution of attenuation measurements between the postcontrast phases values by histology.

Endoscopic classification and endourological treatment of the Y junction ureter fissus pathology. La seconde résection endoscopique associée a la lymphodissection laparascopique dans le traitement des tumeurs vésicales pT2.

Progres en Urologie ; November Supp. Percutaneous lithotripsy and laser endopyelotomy in secondary UPJ obstruction associated with large pyelocaliceal stones.

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BJU International Supl2 Flexible percutaneous approach in multiple pyelocaliceal stones. Complications after 2. Pyelocaliceal diverticulum particularities: experience on 5 cases. BJU International Suppl2 Optical urethrotomy guided by urethral ultrasound.


Ureteroscopic prostate volume ultrasound in recurrent ureteropelvic junction stenosis. Finasteride value in prostatic bleeding decreasing: microvessel density and vascular endothelial growth factor study.

Initial experience with tadalafil in ED treatment. The Journal of Sexual Medicine Suppl 1 Viagra - 4 years experience in a single-centre.

Endocrine Care

Penile Doppler ultrasonography classification may predict Viagra success in ED patients? Tunica vaginalis patch in Peyronie´s disease surgery - evaluation of a new technique.

The phytosterols, particularly beta-sitosterol, are found in numerous plants and are anti-inflammatory, inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. Beta-sitosterol has been shown to be useful in cases of BPH by helping to reduce the normally elevated levels of prostaglandins in these patients. Descriere Benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH is a nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate. Symptoms related to BPH are one of the most common problems in older men. The majority of men over the age of 60 are considered to have urinary symptoms attributable to BPH.

Chronic prostatitis associated with ED. Implementation role of the post-investigation query in the ED diagnosis. Encrusted or calcified ureteral stents - removal particularities. Journal of Endourology supl 1 TCC of the intramural ureter: value of the endoscopic treatment. Le priapisme artériel et veineux - expérience sur 36 cas. Progres en Urologie ; November, Supp. Le traitement endourologique des tumeurs superficielles de la voie urinaire supérieure.

Value of preoperative urethral ultrasound in optic internal urethrotomy. European Urology ; European Urology, vol. Endoscopic treatment for fibroepitelial ureteral polyps. Journal of Endourology, volume 19, Supplement 1, Augustpp. A Flexible ureteroscopy in renal calculi.

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ND:YAG laser in recurrent urethral strictures. Complications peropératoires apres urétéroscopies rétrogrades: expérience d´un centre. Journal of Endourology. MarVol. Multescu DR. Retrograde flexible ureteroscopic approach in szmptomatic calyceal calculi. Eur Urol Suppl ;5 2 Cauni V.